
Detox is a cleansing process that happens every day – not just when you’re on a “detox program.”

Your body is detoxifying itself, and that’s a good thing. That’s part of his job description. Your liver, kidneys, colon, skin, lymphatic system and lungs all play important roles.

It’s also true that while a short-term detox plan can feel good and inspire a lasting healthy lifestyle, it’s not necessarily the refined recipes or routines that bring success – it’s usually the break you give your body from additional stressors.

This is what we mean when we talk about detox or detoxification: a relief so your organs can do their job better. And, where possible, support your own detoxification systems. We’ll tell you how to do that here.

Detox through the skin

The skin is one of the largest organs of the human body. It removes waste from the body by sweating it out…it’s pure detox. So get moving!


Skin Detox Sweating

Exercise causes you to sweat more and thus eliminate toxins through the skin. Exercise also helps to mobilize fat reserves that hold many toxins, bringing them back into circulation so you can eliminate them as part of the normal detox processes.

So make sure you exercise every day to support your detox – walking, cycling, dancing or other simple everyday movements are enough – they are easier to implement than big sports resolutions, which usually come to nothing anyway.

You can, of course, stimulate healthy sweating without any exercise at all by going to the sauna.

Detox via the lungs

The lungs filter the air we breathe in and out, removing toxins, carbon dioxide and exhaust fumes. But it is also an important detox organ.


For daily detoxification through breathing, you should breathe deeply into your abdomen.

This means using your diaphragm AND tightening your abdomen with each breath, which supports the natural detoxification function.

Breathe deeply and let the fresh energy circulate!

You can, of course, go one better and try pranayama as a detox exercise. This is the yogic term for breathing exercises that help accelerate and harmonize the flow of energy in the body (prana means energy).

Detox via the lymphatic system

The lymphatic system is often forgotten when it comes to detox or detoxification. This is partly because many people don’t know what it is or how it works.

It is an important component of the immune system and the circulatory system. It supports both systems by removing toxins and filtering fluids in your organism.

The lymphatic system, with the lymphatic vessels as conduits, is the most important transport system in the human body along with the blood circulation. It collects all the toxins from our cells so that they do not accumulate and cause diseases.

The main detox organ of the lymphatic system is the spleen, but it also consists of lymph nodes, ducts and vessels.


Lemon water

Our lymph consists of about 95% water. Adequate hydration is key to assisting the lymph in the detox process.

Warm lemon water in the morning moistens your lymphatic system, which stimulates the elimination process of toxins.

Plus: Vitamin C from lemon is probably one of the easiest and quickest ways to boost your immune system daily so your body can fight off infections.


Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. The plant antioxidants help our lymph do its detox work and remove toxins and invaders.

If you can’t manage to eat your fill of fruits and vegetables every day, you can also support your health with an organic multivitamin, which provides all those antioxidants in a natural form.

Reduce packaged foods, as they contain additives that unnecessarily stress the lymphatic system.

Dry brushing

This is a practice of traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda.

Dry brushing is one of those rare things that feels just as good when you do it yourself as when someone else does it for you. And it’s incredibly easy to incorporate into your daily detox routine.

Most experts recommend dry brushing in the morning rather than before bed because they believe it is energizing. Some people use the brush alone, others put a little body oil on the brush before using it. It is also fantastic in combination with a sauna or steam bath.

Always start at the arms and legs and work your way from the outside towards the heart to optimally support the lymph flow and the removal of toxins.


There is a special type of detox massage for the lymph, called lymphatic drainage. This involves very light pressure and circular movements from the extremities towards the heart.

This stimulates the water balance and therefore it is often necessary to go to the toilet immediately after the treatment.

There are many great videos that explain how to do this.


Jumping and running are two good ways to keep the lymph moving. A small trampoline is perfect for this.

In addition, stress in life should be reduced or counteracted whenever possible. This is because stress hormones form free radicals and put a strain on your liver. Against this helps, for example, sports and yoga, qigong and meditation, which bring down the physical and mental reactions to stress and thus naturally contribute to detox.


Once the lymph has cleared the toxins, the colon and kidney must move them out of the system. Therefore, the support of these organs is particularly important for all those who stimulate their lymphatic flow.

Detox via the liver

The main task of the liver is to clean our blood from unwanted metabolic products. A stressed and overloaded liver is almost unavoidable in this day and age due to the enormous amount of toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis.

The liver does this primarily through three pathways known as phase 1, phase 2, and phase 3 liver detoxification.

Phase 1: Toxins are broken down by enzymes (e. g.


metabolites, drugs, plasticizers, solvents and pesticides).

Phase 2: the decomposed toxins are rendered harmless by the glutathione system.

Phase 3: The toxins are excreted – fat-soluble substances via bile and intestines, water-soluble substances via the kidneys.




The master detoxifier, glutathione, is not only produced in the liver, but is also found in many foods. For example, in asparagus (also cooked) and avocados. Eat more of it and your liver, your number one detox organ will thank you!



Magnesium l is also essential for the body’s glutathione formation. In addition, when you increase your magnesium level, the permeability of cell membranes improves so that toxins can pass through and be transported out of the organism.

You’ll find the detox mineral magnesium primarily in dark cocoa, seeds, kernels, seaweed, green leafy vegetables, and Calm A Lama.



In the detoxification process, the vital trace element selenium supports the breakdown of the cell toxin hydrogen peroxide, which is a by-product of every breath.

You can find the trace element selenium in its natural form and therefore highly bioavailable, especially in coconut and Brazil nuts or in our organic multivitamins.

Vitamin C


Vitamin C is known as an antioxidant, but it can also increase glutathione levels and thus support the detoxification process in the liver.

The best source is plenty of fresh organic fruits and vegetables – or a dietary supplement with natural vitamin C from organic sources. For example, our organic multivitamins or our higher-dose Healthy Kick Plant-based Vitamin C from organic amla fruits are ideal.

B vitamins


B-group vitamins activate glutathione, which is important for the liver detox process in phase 2.

You can find it in its natural form in most grains or as a daily capsule high dose in our B-Happy Organic Vitamin B Complex. Our organic multivitamins also contain a complete natural vitamin B complex to support your optimal daily detoxification.

Omega 3 fatty acid alpha linolenic acid (ALA)


Omega 3 fatty acids are an important component of cell membranes and have an anti-inflammatory effect. The omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) has also been shown in studies to increase glutathione levels.

Therefore, for an optimal detoxification process in the liver, pay attention to a daily intake of alpha-linolenic acid. You can find them, for example, in linseed oil, walnut oil or conveniently as a daily supplement in Oilalala Skin Omega Complex.


Cruciferous (sulforaphane)


The cruciferous genus includes all cabbage varieties, e.g. Brussels sprouts, broccoli and kale. They are rich in so-called sulphoraphans, which promote the formation of glutathione.

If you’re not a fan of these cabbages in your diet, you can also find them in organic quality as a daily supplement in our organic Mrs. Do-It-All 45+ multivitamin.

Detox via the kidneys: Drink 2 liters daily

The kidneys filter the blood and excrete harmful substances through the urine. Environmental toxins and drugs, as well as metabolic by-products such as urea, ammonia and creatinine, are also eliminated. The kidneys also maintain acid-base and electrolyte balance and regulate blood pressure and blood volume.


In order for these bean-shaped miracle organs to perform their super-important detox tasks, you should drink enough fluids.

Drink about 2 liters of water throughout the day. It is best to choose still water and make sure it has a high mineral content. This supports detoxification.

If you can’t do without carbonated water, make sure it’s high in hydrogen carbonate. This has an alkaline effect in the body and neutralizes acids.

Grapefruit, rosemary sprigs, cucumber slices, ginger pieces, or a handful of raspberries add a delicious flavor to your water, which helps you increase the amount you drink.

Detox via the gut: eat more fiber

Most of the toxins in our bodies come from the foods and beverages we consume every day. That’s why a clean, chemical-free diet with organic foods is so important!

The colon plays a very important role in the elimination of the total toxic load. It is all the more important that this detox pathway is clear and functions smoothly.

Dietary fiber is the key element here. They cooperate with bile and absorb its toxic cargo from the liver. They also stimulate intestinal motility and thus shorten the transit time of stool. As a result, they also minimize the reabsorption of toxins.


Eat your leafy greens and increase your daily fiber intake for an effective, daily detox without the hassle! Chia seeds, flax seeds and psyllium husks are good options to include in your diet.

Don’t forget to increase your water consumption as you increase your daily fiber intake, as this will ensure a smooth transition.

If your digestion is not as smooth and regular as it should be, it is a sign that your gut flora is not in balance. Then you should support your intestines daily with a variety of intestinal bacteria, which you can find, for example, in the Love Your Gut Daily Biotic Complex .

Then support them with extra good gut bacteria, which ensure that your detoxification via the intestines is restored to its optimum state.

Our Love Your Gut Daily Biotic complex with 10 billion bacteria from 21 strains and the fiber inulin is ideal for this.

Detox via the mouth: practice oil pulling and tongue scraping

Along with all other systems, the mouth is its own ecosystem that should be paid attention to in the daily detox. Because the bacteria in your mouth can be the starting point for many diseases.

Imagine how much information about your body can be gleaned from a single saliva sample in your mouth. And did you know that your tongue is your immune system’s first line of defense?
Fortunately, it’s easy to detox your mouth to promote healthy oral hygiene and overall health.

This is because bacteria can become trapped in crowns, fillings and other types of dentures, allowing toxins to enter the body.


Detox practice: oil pulling

Oil pulling is an Ayurvedic detox practice to naturally remove bacteria and toxins from the mouth. This thorough cleaning of teeth and gums reduces toxins and plaque, reduces the risk of tooth decay. Start with a spoonful of virgin coconut oil – it has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties. Let it warm in your mouth until it melts, then pull it for 10 minutes. Spit out, rinse with warm water and then brush with a natural, non-toxic toothpaste.

Detox practice: tongue cleaner

The use of a tongue cleaner is another well-known Ayurvedic detox method whose benefits have been clearly proven by dental research. Tongue cleaning is also the best way to remove bacteria that cause bad breath. Tongue cleaning can slow the growth of plaque and improve immune function.


Detox or detoxification is not a fad, but a smart way for the body to keep our blood clean and our system on the path to fantastic health.

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