
We reveal which vitamins and minerals you especially need in your 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s.

The world’s oldest people owe their triple-digit life expectancy to an optimal diet of whole foods rich in vitamins and fiber – like leafy greens and sweet potatoes. But even the most dedicated health freaks can have a very hard time getting all their nutrients from food alone these days. The solution? A supplement program tailored for every phase of life.

In the 20s

At the age of 20, the main thing is to find balance. Final exams, internships, late nights and a busy social calendar make it difficult to absorb the right nutrients. In addition, iron deficiency is widespread among women in their 20s. A good multivitamin with iron and a vitamin B complex and iron like our Mrs. Do-It-All is therefore very important. It ensures your daily basic supply of 18 vitamins and minerals, even if you don’t manage to eat three healthy meals a day. In addition, you are still building bone mass in your 20s and should therefore ensure an optimal calcium supply, e.g. with Bone Nanza Calcium Complex. Your bones will thank you later!

Prevention is now also important in terms of skin. Because preserving and protecting your beautiful, smooth skin and your still intact skin’s own collagen should be your top priority right now. It makes so much more sense than to fix the damage later with expensive creams or to cover it up with makeup. Therefore, already in your 20s, take a daily supplement that protects your elastic skin fibers from attacks by free radicals (e.g. caused by sunlight, pollution, blue light). Beauty Fuel Skin Radiance Complex with various potent herbal power antioxidants and essential skin nutrients is your supplement of choice here.

The supplement routine in the 20s

In the 30s

One word is the key to maintaining your health in your 30s: Self-care or self-care. It should be practiced in every aspect of life – especially when it comes to stress. Because if you burn the candle at both ends, a so-called adrenal imbalance is pre-programmed. You should help your body maintain a healthy response to stress now. Collagen, the essential protein that makes up muscles, skin, bones and ligaments, is now no longer produced in sufficient quantities and should be supported by supplements

High doses of vitamin C, such as in our Healthy Kick for collagen formation and more energy, our Adapto Balance Fatigue Complex with B vitamins and adaptogenic plant substances, and magnesium in our Calm A Lama are therefore the right supplements for reducing stress. They also get the metabolism, immune system, mood and skin radiance in top shape. You should not forgo vitamin D supplements even in your 30s to further prevent osteoporosis.

The supplement routine in the 30s

In the 40s

Did your well-being get lost somewhere along the way to 40? Then now is the time to get back on track. You should give everything for that now.

First and foremost, this includes a good organic multivitamin. This is because the body’s ability to absorb nutrients efficiently, such as vitamin B12 or magnesium, decreases with age. Hormonal changes, such as the onset of menopause, also influence the need for certain vitamins and minerals. The multivitamin can help to compensate for nutrient deficiencies caused by an unbalanced diet, stress or restricted food intake. At Ogaenics, the nutrients are specifically adapted to the needs from 40 onwards to support hormone balance, cognitive health or skin health in this phase of life. Take probiotics now at the latest to support your slowing digestive system and effective hormone detoxification. You should also invest in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory supplements. These support cellular health, liver function, metabolism and healthy skin and hair formation – all very important in your 40s. Because the skin now also produces less ceramides, the lipids in the skin barrier, you should supplement these and thus maintain an improved skin status. This prevents skin barrier disorders such as rosacea or dermatitis. These can be perfectly replenished with the Timeless Skin | Anti-Wrinkle Complex. If you want to find out whether you already have a ceramide deficiency, take a look at our article

“Do you have a ceramide deficiency? This does not have to be” an.

The supplement routine in the 40s

In the 50s

If we’ve learned anything from leading ladies in their 50s like Michelle Obama, it’s that this stage of life is when the harvest of past investments in health takes place. Now is also the time to focus more on brain and heart health.

A good multivitamin that also includes a vitamin B complex and vitamin D is now the foundation of your supplement routine, ensuring your basic daily supply of key nutrients to stay healthy and strong. The B vitamins B6 and folate in our Mrs. Do-It-All 55+ reduce homocysteine levels in the blood, which can otherwise lead to cardiovascular disease, and extra vitamin D supports the health of your cells, which can otherwise degenerate into cancer more easily after 50. A goodsupply of calcium and magnesium now improves cognitive function, buffers stress and has a preventative effect, as you now have an increased risk of osteoporosis. Omega 3 is also very important now because it lowers blood pressure and prevents cardiovascular disease. If you have drier skin and dryness wrinkles due to oestrogen deficiency, a super omega complex such as Oilalal is also ideal for smoother, better moisturized skin and mucous membranes.

The supplement routine in the 50s

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