
Flying could be a super experience – if it weren’t for the typical bloated belly.

A bloated belly while flying can be extremely uncomfortable. In this blog article, we will explain why flatulence occurs when flying and present sound tips to prevent this unpleasant condition. Because if you equip yourself with the right knowledge and tools, your trip can be a complete success without a bloated belly.

What causes a bloated belly when flying?

A bloated belly while flying can be due to a number of factors, including:

  1. Air pressure changes: During flight, the air pressure in the cabin is lower than at ground level. This causes the gases in our body to expand, which can lead to bloating.
  2. Swallowing air: When flying, we often swallow air unconsciously, especially while chewing meals or drinking carbonated beverages. This trapped gas can cause flatulence.
  3. Dehydration: The air in aircraft cabins is often dry, which can lead to dehydration. When our bodies are dehydrated, they try to retain water, which can lead to bloating.

Tips against bloated belly when traveling

Avoid gas producing foods

Before flying, you should avoid foods that tend to cause bloating. These include legumes, cabbage, onions, garlic, carbonated drinks and certain types of sweets. Instead, you should choose foods that are easy to digest, such as low-fat proteins and vegetables.

Drink enough water against bloated belly

Keep your body well hydrated before and during the flight by drinking enough water. Drink at least 200ml of still water per hour of flight to prevent bloated belly while traveling. It’s best to take a large water bottle with you to the airport and fill it up before you board. This helps prevent constipation and reduce bloating.

Eat hydrating foods before and after the flight

Eating fruits and vegetables before and after your flight can also support your water balance and help combat bloating. Watermelon and cucumber have a particularly high water content.

Avoid alcohol and carbonated drinks

Alcohol and carbonated beverages can lead to increased air swallowing, contributing to bloating. It is advisable to avoid these drinks during the flight and drink still water or herbal tea instead to counteract a bloated belly.

Take fiber for more bowel movement

We love chia seeds. They are high in fiber and can help reduce bloating while traveling by encouraging bowel movement. When traveling, simply mix a teaspoon of chia seeds into your water bottle and drink the bottle down as you go.

Support your gut with a synbiotic

Your balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut determines your well-being even when traveling. With 21 different strains and 10 million CFUs per capsule, as well as essential fiber, Ogaenics Love Your Gut Daily Biotic Complex is perfect for supporting your digestive and immune systems while traveling, and works to combat the dreaded bloating belly. Check out our blog article “The 5 Best Supplements When Traveling” to learn more about the most effective supplements that can help you travel healthy.

Move regularly

Sitting for long periods of time is a major contributor to bloated belly and water retention. Get up at least every hour during the flight to take short walks around the cabin. This helps to stimulate digestion, improve blood circulation and reduce gas formation.

Peppermint oil works against flatulence belly

Apply a small amount of peppermint oil to your abdomen and gently massage it in. Peppermint oil has calming properties and can help reduce flatulence.

Do breathing exercises

Breathing exercises such as deep abdominal breathing can help calm the digestive tract and reduce bloating. Focus on slow, deep breaths and breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth.


The bloated feeling and a bloated belly while traveling can be uncomfortable, but with some sound tips and hacks, you can effectively prevent bloating. Avoid gas-producing foods, stay well hydrated, exercise regularly and use alternative methods such as peppermint oil, synbiotics and breathing exercises to reduce discomfort. By taking these steps, you can make your trip more enjoyable and fully focus on your flying experience.

If you want to learn more about gut health, probiotics and the microbiome, read on here:

“Aerospace Medical Association Medical Guidelines for Airline Travel, 2nd edition.” Turner, M., Jenkins, S., Guadagnoli, M. A., & Block, G. D. (2007). Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, vol. 78, no. 5, pp. 570-581.

“Effects of a fixed combination of peppermint oil and caraway oil on symptoms and quality of life in patients suffering from functional dyspepsia.” Layer, P., et al, 2001. ‘Phytomedicine, 8(7), pp. 531-537.

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