01 Intake mistake #1: You are taking synthetic vitamins
02 Intake mistake #2: You are taking too high a dose of vitamins
03 Intake mistake #3: You are combining your vitamins incorrectly
04 Intake mistake #4: You are taking your vitamins on an empty stomach
05 Intake mistake #5: You take your vitamins at the wrong time of day
06 Intake mistake #6: You don’t pay attention to interactions
07 Intake mistake #7: You don’t pay attention to additives
08 Intake mistake #9: You take vitamins irregularly
The top 8 vitamin intake mistakes and how you can avoid them.
Vitamins are important for our health and well-being. In the following, we will explain to you what you should pay attention to both when choosing and taking your dietary supplement. So you can get the best effects for your health.
The most popular Ogaenics organic nutrient boosters
Love Your Gut
Bio Daily Biotic Complex Premium for the gut: 21 bacterial strains plus organic fiberab 29,90 € -
Calm A Lama
Plant-based organic magnesium from premium organic green algae extract for muscles and nerves44,90 €1.076,74 € / kg
Bio Super Hair Complex for better hair growth and less hair loss with Keranat™79,90 €2.238,10 € / kg
Mrs Do-It-All 18+
Organic Multivitamin Complex Premium for women of fertile age, All-In-One!79,90 €2.302,59 € / kg
Intake mistake #1: You take synthetic vitamins
Unfortunately, most supplements available on the market today are cheap synthetic vitamins that are often sold at a high price.
Your body may not recognize the isolated synthetic nutrient, consider it a foreign body, and, in the best case, selectively (and unused) excrete it. But much worse, synthetic vitamins are usually made using chemicals and solvents, which can increase your toxic exposure. Tar or formaldehyde is often involved. So quite toxic substances that harm your body.
Many of these chemicals are also “endocrine disruptors.” These are hormone-active substances that disrupt the natural way hormones work in your body. These endocrine disruptors can trigger endometriosis and other growths in the uterus in women, for example, or negatively affect fertility.
How you can tell if a product contains natural or synthetic vitamins? Always look at the ingredient list. If you find anything other than fruits and vegetables listed there (and instead, for example, terms like ascorbic acid, niacin, pantothenic acid, or folic acid) your vitamins definitely came from a chemical factory.
Choose nutrients from organic plants instead. They are, of course, more expensive than synthetic vitamins. After all, the plants must first be nurtured, cared for, watered and harvested before they are then gently extracted and processed.
However, the pure natural extracts from them contain so many other valuable ingredients besides vitamins and minerals, such as secondary plant compounds, enzymes, co-enzymes and co-factors, which also have an effect. Thus, they act holistically, are much more effective and tolerable for your body.
So if you choose natural nutrients, even a small moment in the morning can have a big effect on your well-being.
Why is this intake error excluded with Ogaenics?
At Ogaenics, we rely entirely on vitamins and minerals derived from organic plant extracts to ensure maximum effectiveness and tolerance. For example, Ogaenics uses vitamin C from organic amla berries, which is a natural component found in the fruit. Vitamin D is also derived from organic lichens instead of being produced from animal sources or synthetically.
You can also tell because there are no vitamin names on the ingredient list, but those fruits, herbs and plants that are the source materials of the natural vitamins and minerals.
Intake mistake #2: You take too high doses of vitamins
Many vitamin supplements on the market, especially the synthetically produced ones, are simply overdosed. as the bioavailability of synthetic vitamins is often lower than that of their natural counterparts. This is often because synthetic vitamins cannot be used by the body as efficiently as vitamins from natural sources. This means that your body may not be able to fully utilize the nutrients from synthetic supplements. Therefore, these manufacturers often increase the dosage of the products accordingly, which can lead to an accumulation of unnecessary substances.
An overdose of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K in particular can cause health problems, as they are stored in the body and can lead to toxicity if ingested in excess. For these fat-soluble vitamins, you should therefore not exceed the reference amount for the recommended daily intake. The exception here is vitamin D, for which the recommended daily dose in the EU unfortunately no longer corresponds to current research findings, as many people do not get by with the recommended daily dose. In contrast to the unfortunately outdated daily recommendations, doses of up to 4,000 I.U. (=100 micrograms) or 2,000% of the EU reference value are considered safe.
Why is this intake error excluded with Ogaenics?
With Ogaenics you can be sure that overdosing on fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K is impossible. The natural vitamins in Ogaenics offer high bioavailability, which means that they can be efficiently absorbed and utilized by the body. With the exception of vitamin D, we always dose fat-soluble vitamins below the daily reference value, as we assume that you already cover part of your requirements through your diet.
Intake mistake #3: You combine your vitamins incorrectly
Similar to botany, there are pairs of nutrients and vitamins that get along well with each other and those that tend to hinder each other. Think of it like plants that either thrive in the same environment or interfere with each other.
Why is this intake error excluded with Ogaenics?
With Ogaenics you can be sure that the combination of vitamins is tuned to ensure the best possible absorption and effectiveness. That’s why we always offer you separate organic supplements for vitamins and minerals that interfere, to ensure that these important nutrients do not compete with each other and can be optimally absorbed by the body. You can then take them at different times and the problem is solved.
Here are some examples of nutrients that can interfere with each other and therefore are never found together in a supplement formulation at Ogaenics:
Iron and calcium
An example of a “bad” pair is iron and calcium. Both nutrients compete for the same transport routes in the body, making it difficult to absorb both in sufficient quantities at the same time.
Zinc and magnesium
Zinc and magnesium are essential minerals involved in important biochemical processes in the body. However, you should not take the two minerals at the same time each day. Taking zinc in high doses can disrupt magnesium levels. To prevent this from happening, take zinc in the morning (e.g. in our Ogaenics Organic Multivitamins) and magnesium (e.g. Calm A Lama Plant-Based Magnesium) in the evening, then they can work optimally.
Zinc and copper
If you take large amounts of zinc, it can interfere with the body’s absorption of copper. To avoid this, make sure you have enough copper in your diet or take a copper supplement if necessary.
Vitamin D and magnesium
If you take large amounts of vitamin D, it can interfere with the absorption of magnesium. To avoid this, make sure you always have enough magnesium in your diet or take a magnesium supplement if necessary (e.g. Calm A Lama Plant-based Magnesium by Ogaenics). Take the vitamin D product in the morning and the magnesium product in the evening and they won’t get in each other’s way.
Intake error #4: You take your vitamins on an empty stomach
Combining supplements with food slows the transit time of nutrients in the body, and in some cases, the longer nutrients stay in the system, the higher the absorption rate – a desirable effect you should take advantage of.
There are some vitamins where you don’t have a choice for optimal absorption if you want them to be absorbed. This concerns the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K and E. They should always be taken with a meal that also contains healthy fats, otherwise the body cannot absorb them well.
You should also always take the mineral calcium with a meal. The reason for this is that sufficient stomach acid is necessary for optimal absorption of calcium.
Especially sensitive people benefit from taking the supplement together with a meal. Because some vitamins and minerals can cause stomach problems or nausea on an empty stomach. A meal definitely buffers that.
Why is this intake error excluded with Ogaenics?
We give you clear instructions on how to take the supplement on the package and on our product pages on the web for each product. Most of our products are recommended to be taken with a meal for optimal effectiveness. A small snack is often enough – it doesn’t always have to be a whole menu.
Intake Mistake #5: You’re taking your vitamins at the wrong time of day
Actually, there are no set rules for when you should take your vitamins. Although most people tend to take them first thing in the morning.
There are a few exceptions, however. Because there are some very stimulating vitamins that you should definitely take in the morning and also nutrients that make more sense in the evening.
Stimulating vitamins include, for example, vitamin C, vitamin D and the B vitamins. Because these vitamins increase your energy and make you awake and ready for the day. It is always better to take stimulating vitamins in the morning with breakfast, so that you can start the day full of energy.
Magnesium, on the other hand, is best taken before bedtime as it can help to relax and promote restful sleep. This mineral is known to aid in muscle relaxation. For better, deeper sleep, it is therefore optimal to take with dinner.
Probiotic supplements, such as Love your Gut Daily Biotic Complex, should also be taken more in the evening. This is because digestive enzymes and stomach acid can impair the probiotic effect. Ideal here is to take it without a meal, right before you go to bed.
Why is this intake error excluded with Ogaenics?
At Ogaenics, you’ll find clear instructions on the package and on the website on how to take all vitamin supplements, including the optimal time of day to take them.
These Ogaenics organic vitamins make you awake in the morning
Healthy Kick
Plant-based organic vitamin C from premium organic amla extract with polyphenols for the immune system44,90 €1.305,23 € / kg
Taking mistake #6: Not paying attention to the interactions
Some nutrients can enhance or weaken the effects of medications. Here are some important drug categories and examples of possible interactions with vitamins and minerals:
- Blood thinners: These drugs interact with vitamin K, which is important for blood clotting. A high intake of vitamin K may reduce the effectiveness of blood thinners.
- Antibiotics such as tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones: Some antibiotics can interfere with the absorption of calcium, iron and magnesium.
- Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs): These medications reduce stomach acid production, which can interfere with the absorption of vitamin B12 and calcium.
- Antidepressants such as MAO inhibitors and SSRIs: Some antidepressants may interfere with the absorption of vitamin B6.
- Blood pressure medications: Calcium can weaken the effect of blood pressure lowering medications.
- Chemotherapeutic agents: These drugs used to treat cancer and rheumatoid arthritis can interfere with the body’s absorption of folate and cause folate deficiency.
- Thyroid hormones: Iodine may affect thyroid function and may attenuate or potentiate the effects of thyroid hormones.
Why is this intake error excluded with Ogaenics?
Ogaenics offers you a free 15-minute consultation with their experienced Nutrition Coaches who will help you customize your supplements. Possible interactions with medications or dietary supplements already taken are also discussed in detail.
This ensures that you receive a safe dietary supplement that is tailored to your needs and does not cause any undesirable side effects when combined with medications.
Intake mistake #7: Additives in vitamin preparations
Many vitamin preparations contain additives such as fillers, preservatives and colorants. These additives can trigger allergic reactions or intolerances and affect the quality of the product. It is important to check the ingredients list for possible allergens or unnecessary additives and choose a product that contains only natural ingredients.
To spot these additives on the ingredient list, look for the following terms:
- microcrystalline cellulose
- Magnesium stearate
- Silicon dioxide
- Titanium dioxide
- Gelatine
- artificial colors and flavors
- Preservatives such as sorbic acid or benzoic acid
- Emulsifiers such as polysorbate 80
These additives can trigger allergic reactions or intolerances and should therefore be avoided.
By the way, tablets often contain more additives than capsules because they have to be pressed and binders are needed for this. Therefore, it is advisable to prefer capsules, as they usually consist only of the active ingredient and a capsule shell and thus contain fewer unnecessary additives.
Why is this intake error excluded with Ogaenics?
At Ogaenics, we do not use any additives in our supplements. This improves the tolerance of the products and minimizes possible allergic reactions. In addition, all ingredients used are carefully selected and tested to ensure that they are of the highest quality and that the active ingredients can be optimally absorbed.
Our organic seal guarantees you that we adhere to strict organic guidelines and are regularly audited by independent inspection bodies to ensure that we do not use any additives in our products.
Intake mistake #8: Irregular intake of vitamins
Imagine you want to plant a garden. You have the plan and the seeds you need, but you water them sporadically. A few days here, a week there. Probably you will hardly get anything to grow. It is similar with the intake of vitamins.
If you only take a capsule occasionally, your body won’t be able to absorb enough of the nutrients to make a noticeable change. It’s like a garden where you only water occasionally. You probably won’t get the result you want.
However, if you take your supplements regularly and consistently, you’ll be working towards your goal every day and it won’t be long before you start to see progress. The nutrients can better distribute in the body and do their job. Over time, you will notice how your body and well-being change and improve.
Why is this intake error excluded with Ogaenics?
Ogaenics gives you clear recommendations on how to take the vitamin supplements and makes it easy for you to incorporate them into your daily routine. Since all preparations are in capsule form and are so optimally dosed that you only need one capsule per day of most products, taking them is simple and straightforward. Most products are taken in the morning, so you can’t easily forget about them. This way you can make sure you are following the recommended dosage and getting the full effect of the vitamins.
Ingestion errors with vitamins can lead to an undersupply. But how do you recognize a vitamin deficiency? For information on alarm signs that you should definitely look out for, see our article “Recognizing vitamin deficiency, these are the alarm signs”.
Did you also know that certain vitamins and supplements can give your hair growth a real boost? Find out what these are in our special article on hair health “Boost your hair growth and quality”.
“Impact of Magnesium Stearate Presence and Variability on Drug Apparent Solubility Based on Drug Physicochemical Properties.”
Zarmpi, P. et al., AAPS J 22, 75 (2020) “Magnesium stearate: an underestimated allergen.”
Tammaro, A et al., Journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agents vol. 26,4 (2012): 783-4.