With these effective tips, you can prevent bloating and strengthen your gut microbiome.
Flatulence, i.e. a feeling of tightness, swelling or gas accumulation in the abdomen, is the by-product of microbial fermentation in the stomach. Intestinal microbiome. If you want to combat bloating, you need to get this invisible ecosystem under control.
Is there a simple solution to flatulence?
The internet is full of supposed “hacks” that promise quick and uncomplicated help – from simple tips such as “putting your feet against the wall” to unusual approaches such as a spoonful of algae extract. But how effective are such measures really?
It is estimated that around 20% of people worldwide suffer from bloating at least once a week.1 Instead of seeking medical help, most people turn to self-help methods2, which include the following approaches:
- Superfoods: avocado, turmeric, peppermint, ginger or algae
- Drinks: Green powder or peppermint tea after a meal
- Yoga: Exercises such as twisting movements, “cat-cow” or the “legs against the wall” pose
- Self-massage: special techniques to release gases
But do these approaches really help, or are they just a drop in the ocean? To find out, it’s worth taking a closer look at the causes of bloating.
The context: Why bloating is so complex
Bloating refers to a feeling of fullness or swelling in the abdomen caused by the accumulation of gases in the large intestine – mainly carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane. 3,4 At any one time, there are around 100-200 cm³ of gas in a person’s digestive tract – about half the volume of a can of cola (355 cm³). On average, around 700 cm³ of gas escapes every day through burping and flatulence.5
Gases accumulate particularly after eating – especially if you eat too quickly or chew poorly.5,6 Swallowing air (e.g. when chewing gum, smoking or drinking through straws) and certain foods can also promote gas formation.
Foods that can cause flatulence
- Pulses: Contain raffinose, a sugar that is difficult to digest. 7 As soon as raffinose enters the large intestine undigested, the intestinal bacteria living there feed on this sugar and produce gas as a by-product of the fermentation process.
- Carbonated drinks: Contribute directly to gas formation.7 If you also drink them from straws, you may end up swallowing more air, which further increases bloating.
- Cruciferous vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts also contain raffinose and a lot of hard-to-digest fiber, which can lead to gas formation.5
- Dairy products: Contain lactose, which many people digest poorly because they have low lactase levels. 8 This is an enzyme that is needed for the digestion of lactose. As a result, lactose can enter the large intestine undigested, where it contributes to the production of carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane.
- High-FODMAP foods: Wheat, garlic, apples and honey are examples of carbohydrates that are difficult to digest. Garlic, apples, blackberries, Brussels sprouts, honey, avocado and dairy products with lactose are examples of “high-FODMAP foods” that can cause bloating and discomfort in some people.9
- Sugar alcohols: sorbitol, erythritol and mannitol can promote flatulence.10
Not everyone reacts to the same foods in the same way – the individual composition of the gut microbiome plays a decisive role here. It is therefore helpful to identify your personal trigger foods for bloating and specifically observe how your body reacts to them. This can help you to make conscious decisions to prevent gas build-up in the first place and promote your well-being at the same time.
Other triggers for flatulence
However, bloating is not only caused by diet – there are also other factors that can contribute to it, such as microbial imbalance, stress or hormonal influences.
Microbial imbalance in the gut
Bloating can indicate that your gut microbiome is out of balance. Each person has a unique composition of microorganisms in their gut that play a crucial role in digestion. Different types of bacteria produce different gases during the fermentation process, which explains why certain foods cause bloating in some people and not in others.5 It’s not just the food that matters, but the microorganisms in your body that can (or cannot) break down that food.
If you regularly experience bloating regardless of what you eat, this could indicate dysbiosis – a condition in which the balance of gut flora is disturbed.5,11 This can cause gas to build up and cause discomfort. Another warning sign can be a particularly strong odor of expelled gas, which indicates that your gut bacteria are not balancing the gas as usual.5
Stress increases flatulence
Mental stress has a direct effect on digestion – via the so-called gut-brain axis. 12,13 Chronic stress can affect digestion in various ways: It makes us eat faster (and therefore swallow more air), delays gastric emptying and speeds up the passage of food through the intestines.12,15
Studies show that people with moderate to severe bloating often suffer from increased stress or anxiety. To break this cycle, targeted relaxation techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises or yoga can help.
Hormonal influences on flatulence
Women report bloating more than twice as often as men, which is often due to hormonal fluctuations. 1 During the menstrual cycle, high estrogen levels can cause the body to retain more water, which increases swelling and a feeling of fullness. 15 Additionally, estrogen slows the passage of food through the intestines, which can further increase gas buildup.16
After ovulation, progesterone levels rise, which relaxes the smooth muscles of the digestive tract. This can also slow down digestion and thus promote bloating and constipation.17
Long-term strategies against bloating
Take time for your meals
Eat slowly and chew thoroughly to minimize the amount of air swallowed. Avoid eating in a hurry or under stress. A short mindfulness exercise before eating or avoiding distractions such as the computer screen during the meal can help to support your digestion.
Incorporate plenty of fruit and vegetables into your diet
Certain foods can trigger flatulence in some people, but not in others – depending on the individual composition of the intestinal microbiome. Nevertheless, a high-fiber diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables and fermented foods is generally considered optimal for intestinal health. But beware: increasing your fiber intake too quickly can temporarily increase flatulence or bloating.
Identify and observe your personal trigger foods
Dairy products, garlic, lemonade and other foods can have different effects on the body. Pay attention to your body’s signals to recognize which foods trigger bloating in you. Rely on your own perception, not on tips from influencers.
Keep moving
Light physical activity throughout the day – especially after meals – can aid digestion and reduce bloating. A short walk after a meal, even for just a few minutes, can already have positive effects and help maintain a healthy gut microbiome.
Reduce stress in a targeted manner
Techniques such as yoga, meditation and breathing exercises can help minimize stress – a known factor that can increase bloating. Avoid lying down as this can increase gas retention. Instead, sitting or standing postures are more effective in relieving bloating.20
Integrate a daily probiotic into your routine
Your gut microbiome is a living, dynamic ecosystem that is constantly changing. This presents a great opportunity: every day is an opportunity to promote a more balanced and diverse microbiome and combat bloating. A probiotic with clinically validated strains can play a crucial role in this.
In a 30-day, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study, the selected strains in the Ogaenics Love Your Gut Daily Biotic Complex, L. plantarum LP01 and B. breve BR03, were shown to significantly relieve flatulence and support easier, more regular bowel movements.21
Love Your Gut
Bio Daily Biotic Complex Premium for the gut: 21 bacterial strains plus organic fiberab 29,90 €
When should you see a doctor?
If flatulence is chronic or severe, a doctor should investigate possible food intolerances or intestinal problems.
While short-term hacks can provide mild relief for bloating, consistent habits like slow eating, exercise, stress reduction and probiotics are far more effective. Remember: your gut microbiome is unique – what works for others may not work for you. Listen to your body.
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