
Ogaenics’ One Minute Meditations bring you into the here and now in just one minute.

They gently direct your focus to what is really important: yourself! The short meditations are spoken by the wonderful mindfulness trainer Ina Beinke.

You don’t need meditation experience for this. Just turn it on and go for it.

Listen to your gut
Journey into your thoughts
Expand your inner strength
Perceive the scents of spring
Conjure up a smile
Let your good spirit flow
Discover the beauty
Wide joy from
Feel your heart
Gain new spring power
Spread hope & confidence
Draw new strength
Celebrate the beginning of spring
Be aware of your body
Pause & reflect
Create space for new things
The Happiness Experiment
Give your skin some love
Activate your feelings of happiness
Light Up Your Soul
Feel the power of nature
Nourish yourself with mindfulness
One minute balance
Pick One Thing
One minute feel your heart
One minute for a smile
One minute only feel
Decelerate for a minute
Do nothing for a minute
One minute gratitude

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