
These nutrients in autumn are the be-all and end-all for health, energy, mood and glow.

When the air gets cooler and the daylight fades, there’s nothing better than snuggling up on the sofa with a cup of hot tea.

But fall also brings us less sunlight, cool nights, lots of rain and flu season. That’s why the change from summer to fall can be a challenge for your physical and mental well-being, as well as for your skin.

There are many reasons why we need certain nutrients more in the fall:

  • Lack of sunlight: the days are shorter. We go to work when it’s dark, and come home in the dark too
  • Too little exercise: If you enjoyed outdoor sports in the summer, you may not always be able to continue that in the fall. It’s cold, the weather is bad, we often skip our training.
  • Too much of the wrong food: Especially when it’s cold outside, we prefer to reach for fast, hot food that has fewer nutrients.
  • Infections: Lower temperatures and overheated rooms increase your risk of catching the flu or another virus.

Therefore, in autumn we feel more often depressed, lacking energy and unmotivated, we get colds, our skin becomes drier. By taking the right organic supplements, you can then support your body holistically.

Vegetable vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins that we often talk about during the fall and winter months. Because then its level in the body is particularly low.

Vitamin D plays an important role in the development of bones and teeth and in the function of the immune system. The human body can make vitamin D from direct sunlight, which is why we call it “the sunshine vitamin.” During the short autumn and winter days, however, the sun’s rays are no longer sufficient to produce enough vitamin D.

In autumn, it is usually already dark when we get home from work. On weekends we have more opportunity to enjoy the sun, but even then the sun is not strong enough to get enough UVB rays to allow the body to make vitamin D. The general medical recommendation of the DGE is therefore to supplement our diet with vitamin D from October to April. Depending on your age, your body needs between 1,000 I.U. and 4,000 I.U. per day.

Natural vitamin C, high dose

Vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system and is the second important nutrient for a healthy autumn, along with vitamin D. It also reduces oxidative stress and protects against free radicals.

It was once thought that increased vitamin C intake would prevent one from getting sick, but this has never been proven. However, it has been proven to help diseases subside faster.

Vitamin C is an active partner in our Body Guard Immunity Complex, which contains 100% of your daily vitamin C requirement and a whole range of other botanical helpers for your immune system.

If you prefer it pure and potent: Our Healthy Kick Plant-Based Vitamin C supports you exclusively with vitamin C from organic seashell fruits and then in a high dosage of 240 mg = 300% of the reference value per capsule for the extra boost.

Vegetable omega-3 fatty acids

Besides vitamins, other nutrients are also very important for your health in autumn. Because in colder temperatures, wind and heating air, your mucous membranes and your skin are often drier than usual. This makes it easier for bacteria and viruses to multiply.

Omega fatty acids trap moisture in the skin and nourish sensitive mucous membranes, making viruses and bacteria less likely to attack.

Ogaenics Oilalala Skin Omega Complex contains omega fatty acids 3, 6, 7 and 9 as well as vitamins E and A from sea buckthorn oil – for the ultimate fall glow allover.


After a long summer, you should also treat your sun-damaged skin to a cure. Ideal for this is the Timeless Skin Ceramide Complex . This premium organic moisturizing supplement repairs the damage of the past summer, for a smoother, more even complexion with less redness and wrinkles. In the coming heating season, it preserves your skin’s moisture reservoir and protects against irritation.

Timeless Skin contains phytoceramides, the ideal nutrients in autumn for improving hydration and elasticity of the skin and an increase in collagen content. The result after 2-4 months: visibly smoother, firmer skin that is sustainably regenerated, as confirmed by clinical studies.

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